Snapshots of the Week

Please pay a visit to my galleries at Flickr to see all of the photos from my trip. Each week I will select 2 photos to feature here.

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Easter “Eatstravaganza”

Bodil, Maria, Susanne, me (photo courtesy of Anne)

On April 16, one of my generous classmates from last semester hosted a dinner party for Easter at his new apartment in the city center! We’d talked about having a party for Easter as far back as March. Everyone brought a dish and before dinner we all shared what we brought. It was delicious. I think I ate more that night than any other night this semester. There was a lot of laughter and conversation, a fun time held by all.

I made macaroni and cheese! I found a super easy recipe online (there are about a million different ways to make mac & cheese) that I didn’t require too much in the way of time and ingredients. I thought it came out pretty well, although it does harden if it sits for too long. No where as good as my Grandmother’s baked mac & cheese though. But it was my first time making mac & cheese that’s not Kraft, haha. They just don’t eat mac & cheese much in Denmark.

My Mac & Cheese
Mac & Cheese

There were other delicious foods as well, let’s see how much I can remember as it was almost a month ago: spicy meatballs, salads, baked chicken, spicy chicken, this beef wrap which I can remember the name of, pie, and plenty more I’m forgetting (but no less delicious).

Anne, Kirstine, Kathrine, Susanne and delicious food
Anne, Kirstine, Kathrine, Susanna and delicious food


Cooking, laundry take 2

This is just a short entry. I am happy because I managed to cook rice the other night, it wasn’t perfect but it came out well enough to eat. I bought some vegetables and there are many small ethnic markets that sell stir-fry sauces and oil, so I have made stir-fry 2 times so far. It’s not that bad and it’ll save a LOT of money.

Also I did my laundry for the second time a few nights ago, this time my clothes weren’t sopping wet and were mostly dry after coming out of the dryer. I glanced at the dryer settings when someone else’s clothes were in there; I decided to put my clothes on that setting when it was my turn. It was the opposite setting from what I had last time. Whatever it was, it worked, so I didn’t need to hang anything this time around.

Now I am going to a lecture on Danish culture at the nearby Copenhagen University. More later…