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So here’s the next post in my ridiculously long queue. Unfortunately I have no pictures of this event, so words will have to suffice. ;-)
Through the Buddhist mediation group way back in March, I met Caroline and her boyfriend Preben. They arrived here in Copenhagen in February from Luxemborg (where Caroline is originally from). Preben is originally from one of the islands near Sjaelland, I forget the exact name but it’s definitely near Copenhagen. We’ve met for tea several times at this French cafe downtown. I’ve also been to their apartment for dinner and had a grand time. They have a keyboard because Caroline does music therapy. We played the keyboard and sang songs, something that I miss doing a lot since my own keyboard is thousands of miles across the Atlantic.
Well, on April 18th they invited me over to celebrate Preben’s brother’s birthday. The plan was to go to Søpavillon, a disco club that looks like a ship. There was going to be a U2 cover band that night. I was all for it, so I went! The band would start playing quite late (as in 11:30) so we (Caroline, Preben, Preben’s brother Christian and a colleage of Preben’s from work whose name I’m unfortunately not recalling) hung out at Caroline and Preben’s apartment for a while. Drank wine. We all took turns playing the keyboard.
Now, by the time we left to go to the club, I was feeling especially happy, relaxed and confident for some reason. Maybe it was the wine? I’d drank wine before but never felt any effects from it. But on that night I had 2.5 glasses of white wine at their apartment. Yes, as we walked to the club and got into the oxygen, I was DEFINITELY begining to feel the effects. I didn’t care so much what people thought of me, and I was talking more freely.
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On April 16, one of my generous classmates from last semester hosted a dinner party for Easter at his new apartment in the city center! We’d talked about having a party for Easter as far back as March. Everyone brought a dish and before dinner we all shared what we brought. It was delicious. I think I ate more that night than any other night this semester. There was a lot of laughter and conversation, a fun time held by all.
I made macaroni and cheese! I found a super easy recipe online (there are about a million different ways to make mac & cheese) that I didn’t require too much in the way of time and ingredients. I thought it came out pretty well, although it does harden if it sits for too long. No where as good as my Grandmother’s baked mac & cheese though. But it was my first time making mac & cheese that’s not Kraft, haha. They just don’t eat mac & cheese much in Denmark.
My Mac & Cheese

There were other delicious foods as well, let’s see how much I can remember as it was almost a month ago: spicy meatballs, salads, baked chicken, spicy chicken, this beef wrap which I can remember the name of, pie, and plenty more I’m forgetting (but no less delicious).
Anne, Kirstine, Kathrine, Susanne and delicious food

It’s way overdue for entries here! And boy, I’ve got quite a bit to write about. Let’s see…I’ve been to 3 more libraries…spent a day in Århus during the holiday…went to a lovely Easter Eatstravaganza dinner hosted by one of my generous classmates (and I made mac-and-cheese from scratch for the 1st time). Everyone brought delicious food! It was a night of great conversation and plenty of laughs. Oh, and I had a wooden floor installed in my dorm room (finally got rid of that dreadful carpet).
I went to a disco/dance club late Saturday night in Frederiksberg with some lovely friends…and I (unexpectedly) had quite a few glasses of white wine. That led to my first experience being intoxicated…it was FUN. The party scene isn’t so foreign to me anymore because I “get” it now. :-)
I’ve been doing plenty of self-exploration and working on redefining some aspects of who I am.
Last but not least…I’m off to London tomorrow for a fun weekend trip!
Entries are coming for all of those above-mentioned things shortly (maybe even later tonight, lol).