Snapshots of the Week

Please pay a visit to my galleries at Flickr to see all of the photos from my trip. Each week I will select 2 photos to feature here.

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What’s been going on under the radar?

It’s way overdue for entries here! And boy, I’ve got quite a bit to write about. Let’s see…I’ve been to 3 more libraries…spent a day in Århus during the holiday…went to a lovely Easter Eatstravaganza dinner hosted by one of my generous classmates (and I made mac-and-cheese from scratch for the 1st time). Everyone brought delicious food! It was a night of great conversation and plenty of laughs. Oh, and I had a wooden floor installed in my dorm room (finally got rid of that dreadful carpet).

I went to a disco/dance club late Saturday night in Frederiksberg with some lovely friends…and I (unexpectedly) had quite a few glasses of white wine. That led to my first experience being intoxicated…it was FUN. The party scene isn’t so foreign to me anymore because I “get” it now. :-)

I’ve been doing plenty of self-exploration and working on redefining some aspects of who I am.

Last but not least…I’m off to London tomorrow for a fun weekend trip!

Entries are coming for all of those above-mentioned things shortly (maybe even later tonight, lol).


The first 6 days

Well, it’s Tuesday afternoon, so come tomorrow I’ll have been here exactly a week. A lot has happened since I arrived, and it’s been a whirlwind. Sometimes I feel as though I’m in way over my head and wonder, “what was I thinking, coming this far from home for so long?” and other times I’m so excited to be here and try to relish the experience as much as I can! So let’s see, since I have so much to update and I’m too lazy to write out long paragraphs, I’m going to resort to what I call the “bulleted-list” update. The text will be fragmentary, but no less informative! Without further ado… Read the rest of this entry »